MBG 001.jpg 767 hits | 38.85 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Left to Right: Dave Young, myself, Chris Kelly, Mike Masse, Shawn Clemons, Dave Laracuente and Natha...
MBG 010.jpg 828 hits | 65.24 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 On top of Hurrah Pass
MBG 012.jpg 779 hits | 85.72 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 It's awesome to see this behind you on the trail......descending the back side of Hurrah Pass
MBG 015.jpg 787 hits | 66.7 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Out at Chicken Corners
MBG 014.jpg 832 hits | 94.19 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Myself and Tanya on a rock at Chicken Corners
MBG 019.jpg 774 hits | 96.7 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Chris climbs out of Lockhart Canyon (note the other rigs snaking thru in the background)
MBG 021.jpg 871 hits | 87.41 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Shawn climbs out of Lockhart Canyon
MBG 024.jpg 923 hits | 71.8 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Shawn's learning that Slickrock is not slick and provides great traction
MBG 026.jpg 824 hits | 86.32 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Shawn on "The Wedgie" on Poison Spider Mesa
MBG 028.jpg 771 hits | 83.97 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Nathan on The Wedgie
MBG 029.jpg 768 hits | 55.71 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Shawn crests a climb with an incredible background
MBG 031.jpg 802 hits | 70.81 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 If you can quickly toggle back & forth between this pic of Bud in his Dodge......
MBG 032.jpg 770 hits | 71.71 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 ...........and this pic of Nathan it's almost scary how nearly identical the two pics are
MBG 033.jpg 766 hits | 67.33 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Snaking along Golden Spike
MBG 034.jpg 738 hits | 77.61 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Chris on the Launching Pad
MBG 035.jpg 882 hits | 92.25 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Nice how that TTB unweights and provides for variable toe ;)
MBG 051.jpg 821 hits | 100.72 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Shawn on a sizeable drop
MBG 052.jpg 772 hits | 97.71 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 and finds his quarter panel
MBG 056.jpg 806 hits | 75.13 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Myself on the Golden Crack
MBG 081.jpg 845 hits | 113.41 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Shawn on the exit obstacle to Lower Helldo
MBG 082.jpg 780 hits | 112.75 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Once Shawn stopped listening to me he made it thru here, but it heated up his clutch so much we had ...
MBG 085.jpg 852 hits | 83.34 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Mike and Dave dropping into Cliffhanger
MBG 092.jpg 829 hits | 94.82 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Mike on the first climb obstacle up Cliffhanger (broke a 60 rear shaft here)
MBG 103.jpg 837 hits | 49.45 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Berne on Hummer Hill
MBG 136.jpg 881 hits | 68.74 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 My front unweights as the rear drops into the Golden Crack
MBG 211.jpg 775 hits | 56.76 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Myself entering "The Crotch" on Golden Spike
MBG 279.jpg 758 hits | 79.12 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 Shawn puts his Lincoln-locked 14 bolt to work
MBG 344.jpg 943 hits | 70.51 KB | Posted: 10/12/03 A shot from in The Crack (truthfully I think my front shock was limiting droop but I can't confirm t...
MBG 411.jpg 881 hits | 63.07 KB | Posted: 10/13/03 Climbing around in the "snake rocks"