112_1273.JPG568 hits | 60.91 KB | Posted: 1/15/07
112_1271.JPG587 hits | 65.16 KB | Posted: 1/15/07right after i got the Bronc-A-Donc home
112_1236.JPG429 hits | 54.23 KB | Posted: 1/15/07first day in garage, fixing back leaf springs.
112_1277.JPG409 hits | 49.68 KB | Posted: 1/15/07finished painting front end
113_1363.JPG589 hits | 70.04 KB | Posted: 1/15/07added flames to the hood, painted under the shade tree
113_1360.JPG577 hits | 55.43 KB | Posted: 1/15/07tailgate
113_1366.JPG534 hits | 70.27 KB | Posted: 1/15/07
116_1608.JPG528 hits | 56.04 KB | Posted: 1/15/07front bumper i made
114_1437.JPG555 hits | 66.27 KB | Posted: 1/15/07messin around the property
114_1438.JPG567 hits | 77.5 KB | Posted: 1/15/07
PIC_0001.JPG384 hits | 54.25 KB | Posted: 1/18/08
PIC_0011.JPG361 hits | 80.48 KB | Posted: 1/31/08
PIC_0012.JPG319 hits | 73.2 KB | Posted: 1/31/08
PIC_0013.JPG379 hits | 68.7 KB | Posted: 1/31/08