ranch1.jpg463 hits | 56.02 KB | Posted: 8/18/06Front view
ranch2.jpg399 hits | 92.69 KB | Posted: 8/18/06Engine bay
ranch3.jpg430 hits | 54.33 KB | Posted: 8/18/06Yep those are off of a 67, but they work.
66rust2.jpg409 hits | 53.41 KB | Posted: 8/18/06Who claims to have "Rusty", how about that new exhaust sytem!
ranch13.jpg466 hits | 54.76 KB | Posted: 8/18/06Now hear is a dash in need of work.
66extras.jpg454 hits | 75.39 KB | Posted: 8/18/06Spare parts, you just can't get enough.