1973 Ford Ranchero
Owner: 73GT 
From: Fountain, CO, U.S.A.        (Other registries in CO)
Year, Make, & Model: 1973 Ford Ranchero        (Other Ford Rancheros)
Nickname: Tweety
Engine: 351C 2V. stock for now.
Drivetrain: FMX, 9 inch 3:00 gears. Soon to be C4 with Hurst Quarter stick
Last Updated: 4/16/2010
Hits: 7887
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder Tweety11004,486012/11/068/30/09
folder my first and second Rancheros7001,938012/11/064/16/10
folder tweety's interior8002,727012/11/068/19/09
folder pulling the 9 inch22007,08303/15/078/27/07
folder headers20056204/17/074/17/07
folder Tweety's Christmas30078205/7/074/16/10
folder floor boards9002,90907/25/078/19/09
folder radiator support bushings6003,19103/27/093/27/09
Newest Media Files
Picture 075.jpg
413 hits | 77.41 KB | Posted: 8/19/09

a different console and black seats now.
Picture 071.jpg
359 hits | 36.78 KB | Posted: 8/19/09

have to do some metal work here at the quarter panel.
Picture 055.jpg
384 hits | 61.71 KB | Posted: 8/19/09

Picture 054.jpg
404 hits | 55 KB | Posted: 8/19/09

I guess when it got hit it ripped the metal.
Picture 053.jpg
439 hits | 47.2 KB | Posted: 8/19/09

Scary bodywork on the door. filler was at least 3/8 or more thick. had to use a hammer and chissel to get most of the bondo to come out.
Picture 052.jpg
406 hits | 28.57 KB | Posted: 8/19/09

pretty scary. alot of filler in the fender.
Picture 051.jpg
413 hits | 53.11 KB | Posted: 8/19/09

This is the old fender. found a lot of body filler and decided to get a clean fender.
Picture 049.jpg
474 hits | 51.74 KB | Posted: 8/19/09

passanger side still needs sanding.
Picture 048.jpg
407 hits | 66.36 KB | Posted: 8/19/09

hung new door and fender with my daughter.
Most Viewed Files
Tweety 024.jpg
1096 hits | 70.08 KB | Posted: 3/27/09

new upper and lower bushings.
Tweety 025.jpg
704 hits | 94.53 KB | Posted: 3/27/09

pulled radiator and core support.
Picture 049.jpg
502 hits | 68.67 KB | Posted: 12/11/06

Front end sand blasted, primed and painted.
Picture 049.jpg
474 hits | 51.74 KB | Posted: 8/19/09

passanger side still needs sanding.
floor boards 007.jpg
454 hits | 66.2 KB | Posted: 7/25/07

getting ready to install the 9inch.
pulling the rear end 027.jpg
449 hits | 55.75 KB | Posted: 7/19/07

rebuilt and ready to install
Picture 053.jpg
439 hits | 47.2 KB | Posted: 8/19/09

Scary bodywork on the door. filler was at least 3/8 or more thick. had to use a hammer and chissel to get most of the bondo to come out.
pulling the rear end 025.jpg
439 hits | 50.57 KB | Posted: 4/16/07

the lower controle arms with the bushings pressed in, new springs
pulling the rear end 030.jpg
431 hits | 62.88 KB | Posted: 7/19/07

Maintenance & Modification Logs

DateTypeMileageTitle / Description$ Amount
08/20/07Modification more rear end stuff
I called this a modification because I had to machine some new bushing housings for the upper controle arms. We had to machine them out of 814 stock and no they are not aluminum even though they look like it. total cost was 54 bucks not bad for custome housings.
07/27/07Maintenance cleaning the floor boards
So after finding out how well Easy-Off does on the 9inch I decided to clean the floor boards. I wish I had taken pics of the before because those things were pretty nasty. Spray it on and waite 2 hours. Spray it off with a hose and call it good.
07/15/07Maintenance more money
So I went and had the pumkin cleaned up and checked to make sure everything was nice and happy, they recomended a new pinion seal but everything elt's looked good. That cost me 50 bucks to hot tank and 27.00 r&r the seal. I also had the new bearings pressed on the axles that cost me 214.14 I went ahead and cleaned the axle housing myself with a can of Easy Off. Talk about getting something to look pretty good, that stuff cleans real nice.
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