pulling the rear end 004.jpg 292 hits | 59.81 KB | Posted: 3/15/07 frame rails will be sanded and painted as well as the underside.
pulling the rear end 006.jpg 272 hits | 63.28 KB | Posted: 3/15/07 and the 9inch is out. This is where I hurt by back. I'm allright now but the 9 is no light weight.
pulling the rear end 005.jpg 260 hits | 48.4 KB | Posted: 8/27/07 i had to machine new housings for the bushings because the old ones were trashed trying to get the b...
pulling the rear end 008.jpg 287 hits | 61.6 KB | Posted: 8/27/07 up and in getting ready to check pinion angle.
pulling the rear end 007.jpg 333 hits | 65.11 KB | Posted: 8/27/07 here is a boo boo. notice the controle arm is the wrong way. Had to R&R the right way after I notice...
pulling the rear end 011.jpg 335 hits | 60.73 KB | Posted: 8/27/07 Here is the right way notice how it curv is turned toward the drum brake and not away.