pulling the rear end 001.jpg
277 hits | 64.48 KB | Posted: 3/15/07

The start of the pull. Tweety allready has new breaks so that wont be messed with.
pulling the rear end 003.jpg
271 hits | 69.8 KB | Posted: 3/15/07

One spring out, now for the other side.
pulling the rear end 004.jpg
292 hits | 59.81 KB | Posted: 3/15/07

frame rails will be sanded and painted as well as the underside.
pulling the rear end 006.jpg
272 hits | 63.28 KB | Posted: 3/15/07

and the 9inch is out. This is where I hurt by back. I'm allright now but the 9 is no light weight.
pulling the rear end 007.jpg
301 hits | 56.24 KB | Posted: 3/15/07

waiting for dissasembly and clean up.
pulling the rear end 025.jpg
439 hits | 50.57 KB | Posted: 4/16/07

the lower controle arms with the bushings pressed in, new springs
pulling the rear end 026.jpg
383 hits | 48.53 KB | Posted: 4/16/07

New rear brake lines too.
pulling the rear end 027.jpg
449 hits | 55.75 KB | Posted: 7/19/07

rebuilt and ready to install
pulling the rear end 028.jpg
366 hits | 54.79 KB | Posted: 7/19/07

still has the 3:00s
pulling the rear end 030.jpg
431 hits | 62.88 KB | Posted: 7/19/07

pulling the rear end 029.jpg
307 hits | 67.88 KB | Posted: 7/19/07

starting to look pretty good.
floor boards 001.jpg
328 hits | 58.84 KB | Posted: 7/25/07

Getting ready for the reinstall.
floor boards 003.jpg
270 hits | 67.14 KB | Posted: 7/25/07

here is one lower control arm in.
pulling the rear end 002.jpg
313 hits | 69.25 KB | Posted: 8/17/07

primed and ready to paint
pulling the rear end 009.jpg
314 hits | 70.66 KB | Posted: 8/17/07

it's getting there
pulling the rear end 006.jpg
272 hits | 57.34 KB | Posted: 8/17/07

new springs and bushings
pulling the rear end 005.jpg
260 hits | 48.4 KB | Posted: 8/27/07

i had to machine new housings for the bushings because the old ones were trashed trying to get the b...
pulling the rear end 006.jpg
293 hits | 48.98 KB | Posted: 8/27/07

here is one on the bushing.
pulling the rear end 008.jpg
287 hits | 61.6 KB | Posted: 8/27/07

up and in getting ready to check pinion angle.
pulling the rear end 007.jpg
333 hits | 65.11 KB | Posted: 8/27/07

here is a boo boo. notice the controle arm is the wrong way. Had to R&R the right way after I notice...
pulling the rear end 011.jpg
335 hits | 60.73 KB | Posted: 8/27/07

Here is the right way notice how it curv is turned toward the drum brake and not away.
pulling the rear end 013.jpg
290 hits | 62.37 KB | Posted: 8/27/07

All snugged up with the drive shaft in.

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