11-25-06_0914.jpg350 hits | 43.47 KB | Posted: 12/29/06in a field
11-25-06_1014.jpg400 hits | 21.81 KB | Posted: 12/29/06on a rock pile from the front (look at the back tire)
11-25-06_1015.jpg444 hits | 43.73 KB | Posted: 12/29/06check out that flex
11-25-06_1016.jpg403 hits | 36.67 KB | Posted: 12/29/06the bumper is almost touching the ground!
11-25-06_1017.jpg336 hits | 37.22 KB | Posted: 12/29/06more rock pile
11-25-06_1018.jpg363 hits | 49.09 KB | Posted: 12/29/06front