DSC03262.JPG 428 hits | 32.51 KB | Posted: 12/20/07 Light test. They all work but one unplugged before I took the picture.
DSC03259.JPG 490 hits | 20.83 KB | Posted: 12/20/07 Free light bar. I will probably mount this to my second top.
DSC03295.JPG 536 hits | 66.3 KB | Posted: 12/20/07 Rock lights hooked to the dome light.
DSC03294.JPG 574 hits | 64.62 KB | Posted: 12/20/07 I wanted a factory look but the guy who did it said this was the only way. Did not come out as planned.
DSC03293.JPG 485 hits | 72.43 KB | Posted: 12/20/07 Post Op
Brackets.jpg 584 hits | 47.91 KB | Posted: 6/5/07 Brackets left off from previous rebuild
DSC03294.JPG 574 hits | 64.62 KB | Posted: 12/20/07 I wanted a factory look but the guy who did it said this was the only way. Did not come out as planned.