DSC02986.JPG376 hits | 73.18 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Waiting to head up...
DSC02986.JPG363 hits | 73.18 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Still waiting...
DSC02987.JPG312 hits | 77.55 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Looked like this almost all day...
DSC02988.JPG331 hits | 76.12 KB | Posted: 2/25/07...
DSC02989.JPG342 hits | 99.36 KB | Posted: 2/25/07The only other Ford from colorado4x4.com...Rich (Starkman)
DSC02992.JPG363 hits | 100 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Somebody stuck...
DSC02993.JPG327 hits | 106.05 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Nice EB.
DSC02994.JPG328 hits | 89.83 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Again...
DSC02996.JPG371 hits | 84.78 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Sitting waiting some more...
DSC02999.JPG327 hits | 95.87 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Rich climbing...
DSC03000.JPG322 hits | 85.92 KB | Posted: 2/25/07I want some rock sliders.
DSC03001.JPG338 hits | 106.39 KB | Posted: 2/25/07A pretty nice Heep...
DSC03003.JPG403 hits | 92.86 KB | Posted: 2/25/07There were mostly Jeeps and 2 Fords...mine included.
DSC03004.JPG310 hits | 104.92 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Another Heep...
DSC03005.JPG374 hits | 85.53 KB | Posted: 2/25/07The Bronco some more...
DSC03006.JPG361 hits | 75.83 KB | Posted: 2/25/07A long, steep icy hill that stopped more than one rig.
DSC03008.JPG450 hits | 105.26 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Kinda technical.
DSC03010.JPG603 hits | 71.91 KB | Posted: 2/25/07STUCK! AHHHH!!!
DSC03011.JPG417 hits | 48.51 KB | Posted: 2/25/07It hurt so bad...
DSC03018.JPG411 hits | 72.79 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Flexing as best I can...
DSC03019.JPG368 hits | 68.93 KB | Posted: 2/25/07Damage...