1976 Oldsmobile Cutlass
Owner: Tiggie         (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: Near Roanoke, VA, U.S.A.        (Other registries in VA)
Year, Make, & Model: 1976 Oldsmobile Cutlass        (Other Oldsmobile Cutlasss)
Mileage: 110000
Engine: 260 V8
Drivetrain: 5-Speed Manual
2.56:1 Rear
Notes: This is the car I was brought home from the hospital after I was born.

I mother bought it in 1977. It was silver. She liked the 5-Speed, and to be quite honest, I do too! Around 1982, my dad could no longer take the silver and painted the color you see. My mom drove it to work and college until 1987, when she bought an '87 T-Bird, which we still have as well.

We kept it until 1990, when my dad said my mom had to get rid of it. He sold it to a co-worker, who's son wrapped the back end around a telephone pole within a week og buying it. Little brothers threw rocks at it after they set it back in a field and broke the grilles and winshield.

We bought it back in 1993. It has been in the garage ever since, waiting for it's new quarter panel. The windshield has been replaced, the trim is in the back seat.

In second grade on the bus from elementary school, I spotted the parts car, a '76 Cutlass Supreme from the bus and we bought it, mainly for the grilles and taillights (1976 specific). It also came with a 350 4V, which still runs like a scalded dog.

I pulled it out the garage for these pics. I took it down the road on the tags that expired in 1990, and the obvious body damage. I got some pretty wierd looks.
Last Updated: 7/6/2007
Hits: 7086
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder Out of the Garage (03/20/07)6006,45103/20/073/20/07
folder The Parts Car5005,82103/20/073/20/07
folder '73 GMC Sprint6005,82307/5/077/6/07
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