trailblazerfacingleft.jpg1589 hits | 53.83 KB | Posted: 4/15/07
trailblazerfacingright.jpg1493 hits | 57.03 KB | Posted: 4/15/07
trailblazerfront.jpg1484 hits | 33.41 KB | Posted: 4/15/07
meontrailblazer.jpg1346 hits | 47.84 KB | Posted: 4/15/07Arctic Cat jacket plus my new quad = LOVE
new1.jpg1304 hits | 80.83 KB | Posted: 4/15/07First day out mudding 8-)
MyspacedefaultATV.jpg1197 hits | 38.81 KB | Posted: 4/16/07
muddytrailblazer2.jpg2529 hits | 44.72 KB | Posted: 4/16/07got mud? ;-)
meontrailblazer2.jpg1329 hits | 46.19 KB | Posted: 4/28/07
frontviewtrailblazer.jpg1091 hits | 44.5 KB | Posted: 5/12/07When I first bought it.
meontrailblazer3.jpg1104 hits | 108.21 KB | Posted: 5/20/07I got NO air on that jump.....
mejumping.jpg1347 hits | 93.99 KB | Posted: 6/16/07finally some air!!
Meinfrontofwheelercolor.jpg2811 hits | 91.68 KB | Posted: 9/28/07
trailblazersmalljump.jpg1126 hits | 113.83 KB | Posted: 11/17/07
smalljump2.jpg1229 hits | 72.05 KB | Posted: 11/17/07
028_28.JPG1190 hits | 98.35 KB | Posted: 11/17/07
101_1599.MOV1195 hits | 28.61 MB | Posted: 12/25/07Me doing donuts on the trailblazer
101_2168.JPG1077 hits | 78.67 KB | Posted: 12/27/07
101_2169.JPG1016 hits | 49.7 KB | Posted: 12/27/07
memudding.jpg1282 hits | 41.35 KB | Posted: 1/7/08me muddding =D
bronco.jpg1161 hits | 6.15 KB | Posted: 1/9/08
tatt.jpg1041 hits | 17.93 KB | Posted: 4/14/10