P1010220.JPG745 hits | 68.48 KB | Posted: 10/17/08manifold 2171 all taped up
P1010221 (Large).JPG692 hits | 57.11 KB | Posted: 10/17/08other side
P1010222 (Large).JPG630 hits | 78.54 KB | Posted: 10/17/08filling agent
P1010223 (Large).JPG653 hits | 70.88 KB | Posted: 10/17/08a lil bit
P1010225 (Large).JPG745 hits | 65.79 KB | Posted: 10/17/08filled to the rim
P1010226 (Large).JPG624 hits | 59.4 KB | Posted: 10/17/08taped up for shaking
P1010227 (Large).JPG638 hits | 67.57 KB | Posted: 10/17/08manifold completely filled
P1010228 (Large).JPG626 hits | 79.67 KB | Posted: 10/17/08end result - manifold holds 145 ci of play sand