467 hits | 2.54 KB | Posted: 5/20/07

as is
278 hits | 2.51 KB | Posted: 5/20/07

66 truck.jpg
309 hits | 2.21 KB | Posted: 5/20/07

440 hits | 2.34 KB | Posted: 5/20/07

498 hits | 89.8 KB | Posted: 5/20/07

first indication of other issues
325 hits | 20.1 KB | Posted: 5/20/07

second bit of bad news
280 hits | 20.04 KB | Posted: 5/20/07

and it just keeps getting worse
287 hits | 15.37 KB | Posted: 5/20/07

418 hits | 15.22 KB | Posted: 5/20/07


286 hits | 52.73 KB | Posted: 5/21/07

left nice
284 hits | 47.07 KB | Posted: 5/21/07

right GRATE
256 hits | 69.37 KB | Posted: 5/21/07

what a nice looking floor HA
256 hits | 23.48 KB | Posted: 5/21/07

438 hits | 24.74 KB | Posted: 5/21/07

fenders good YEA
325 hits | 24.9 KB | Posted: 5/21/07

the best of the fire wall
328 hits | 19.79 KB | Posted: 5/21/07

bed floor pretty good not even pitted
425 hits | 19.75 KB | Posted: 5/21/07

beleave it or not just surface rust nothing crittical, pan mounting lip shot at wheel well easy fix
332 hits | 21.7 KB | Posted: 5/21/07

just cant get a good shot its really solid; coil overs and air shocks couse leaves weak . This rea...
294 hits | 19.59 KB | Posted: 5/22/07

out with the trash
removed all the rotten floor pan nothing worth saving
256 hits | 20.04 KB | Posted: 5/22/07

271 hits | 18.76 KB | Posted: 5/22/07

r9 (4).jpg
293 hits | 31 KB | Posted: 6/25/07

power plant
r9 (3).jpg
292 hits | 16.29 KB | Posted: 6/25/07

r9 (1).jpg
294 hits | 20.54 KB | Posted: 6/25/07

left door
r9 (2).jpg
404 hits | 25.84 KB | Posted: 6/25/07

inside rt door
289 hits | 20.28 KB | Posted: 6/25/07

new floor from 1996 mustang
r9 (5).jpg
261 hits | 25.45 KB | Posted: 6/25/07

r9 (6).jpg
300 hits | 24.06 KB | Posted: 6/25/07

charo 001.jpg
305 hits | 83.7 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

old 8 in rear end
r9 (7).jpg
307 hits | 20.3 KB | Posted: 6/25/07

charo 002.jpg
315 hits | 81.63 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

RR qrter opened up more work

charo 003.jpg
318 hits | 92.99 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

bad install of s10 gas door by previous owner
not to mention the slide hamer body work

charo 004.jpg
298 hits | 86.86 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

better pic of drivers side firewall. the left side of the eng comartment frame rail torqe box and fi...
charo 005.jpg
278 hits | 81.95 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

the good side of eng compartment
charo 006.jpg
289 hits | 76.61 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

the right door jam has been shot looks like a 45 hole
it passed threw the inner wheelwell probably...
charo 007.jpg
299 hits | 96.79 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

front side of the right qrter

charo 008.jpg
383 hits | 80.12 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

right side lower cowl extention

charo 009.jpg
370 hits | 85.08 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

whats left of the left side eng compartment
charo 010.jpg
386 hits | 90.58 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

sand blasted mounting weldments to drillout spot welds in order to remove front body section drilled...
charo 012.jpg
378 hits | 83.83 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

same as before other side

charo 011.jpg
408 hits | 88.75 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

right upper cowel below windsheild
charo 014.jpg
363 hits | 84.77 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

RR iner wheel well
charo 015.jpg
434 hits | 84.93 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

LR inner wheelwell
charo 016.jpg
355 hits | 79.54 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

NEW left front frame rail 2 piece to aid instalation
charo 017.jpg
394 hits | 65.76 KB | Posted: 3/17/09

NEW left and right lower quarter sections

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