NewSpoiler.jpg506 hits | 87.86 KB | Posted: 11/17/07Spoiler
Engine.jpg577 hits | 101.96 KB | Posted: 11/17/07The heart of the beast 3.0 liters of Furry
Front4.jpg578 hits | 100.01 KB | Posted: 11/17/07She's complete
Front3.jpg534 hits | 110.08 KB | Posted: 11/17/07Bumper cover installed
Front2.jpg570 hits | 103 KB | Posted: 11/17/07Bumper absorber installed
Front1.jpg606 hits | 109.56 KB | Posted: 11/17/07All damaged parts removed
QV3.jpg525 hits | 99.57 KB | Posted: 11/17/07New fender installed
QV2.jpg545 hits | 128.24 KB | Posted: 11/17/07
QV1.jpg543 hits | 107.74 KB | Posted: 11/17/07Removing damaged parts
P1020304.jpg635 hits | 105.63 KB | Posted: 5/30/07Driver side damage
P1020497.jpg579 hits | 102.52 KB | Posted: 5/30/07New bumper cover and fender installed.