000_0079.jpg 878 hits | 47.95 KB | Posted: 8/6/07 Another view of the passenger-side rear wheel well.
000_0078.jpg 837 hits | 56.18 KB | Posted: 8/6/07 A close-up of what makes my bronco "holy"
000_0081.jpg 814 hits | 83.48 KB | Posted: 8/7/07 Say 'ello to my lil friend... Pedro the Puddin' Cup. Another great freebie that came with the bronco. And yes that is mold.
000_0075.jpg 755 hits | 58.63 KB | Posted: 8/6/07 Passenger's side rear wheel well. Yes that is a hole rusted through.
100_0457.jpg 622 hits | 63.35 KB | Posted: 7/12/07 All I can say is.... Optional accesories... Notice the 5 year old chocolate pudding cup on the driverside floorboard near the door... Nice..