11-24-03 001.jpg 878 hits | 93.74 KB | Posted: 12/29/03 Line up shot...BTW....all the pics in this file are from Anne, Ken, or Alvie, as my camera wa lost t...
PC130015.JPG 899 hits | 58.14 KB | Posted: 12/29/03 Another line up shot...my truck was hard to start at the ranger station...should have gone home
003-Not-Moving.JPG 851 hits | 88.55 KB | Posted: 12/29/03 Jim attempted an extraction
004-Goood-one-Anne.JPG 896 hits | 94.14 KB | Posted: 12/29/03 She did manage to find the deepest spot to get stuck
006-Until-Jim-Broke.JPG 845 hits | 90.95 KB | Posted: 12/29/03 While Jim was trying to pull her out his steering box broke...Time for a 4 hour road trip to milwauk...
012-Jims-Back.JPG 984 hits | 107.58 KB | Posted: 12/29/03 Jim back 4 hours later to fix the steering box
015-Loading-Tim.JPG 824 hits | 50.76 KB | Posted: 12/29/03 I made it as far as I could...here it goes onto a rollback