Shultseys_run_3-22-03_178.mpg929 hits | 1.12 MB | Posted: 6/29/03Shultsey over a root
Shultseys_run_3-22-03_179.mpg916 hits | 1.25 MB | Posted: 6/29/03Jon same place
Shultseys_run_3-22-03_180.mpg1011 hits | 793.57 KB | Posted: 6/29/03Shultsey stuck!!
Shultseys_run_3-22-03_181.mpg1013 hits | 539.28 KB | Posted: 6/29/03Yup he is stuck
Shultseys_run_3-22-03_182.mpg963 hits | 729.89 KB | Posted: 6/29/03Getting winched out
Shultseys_run_3-22-03_187.mpg945 hits | 860.76 KB | Posted: 6/29/03Jon thru the same spot
Shultseys_run_3-22-03_189.mpg940 hits | 729.71 KB | Posted: 6/29/03Franks little bunny hop
Shultseys_run_3-22-03_194.mpg913 hits | 859.38 KB | Posted: 6/29/03Frank climbing the hill
Shultseys_run_3-22-03_195.mpg948 hits | 1018.19 KB | Posted: 6/29/03Frank on the hill some more
Shultseys_run_3-22-03_Frank_003.mpg955 hits | 3.08 MB | Posted: 6/29/03My bunny hop video vinally loaded.(Let it play a couple times, it will smooth out)