Car_Races-_Street_Racing_13.84_at_103_SHO_Ford_Taurus_V8_vs_S.mpg859 hits | 143.68 KB | Posted: 6/29/03
subframe2.WMV1224 hits | 4.85 MB | Posted: 6/29/03Subframe pics. After install. Shows Ford units, SHOnut units and OEM units.
v8bushings.WMV1028 hits | 6.23 MB | Posted: 6/29/03V8 SHO subframe bushing installation
greenSHOdyno.WMV960 hits | 396.54 KB | Posted: 6/29/03Somebody's rare green SHO on Dyno
SHOnut_Ian.WMV933 hits | 777.07 KB | Posted: 6/29/03SHOnut's S/C '95 and Ian H's '90 with 300+k km?
sho_show2.avi959 hits | 4.46 MB | Posted: 6/29/03More SHOing off!
sho_show.avi973 hits | 3.47 MB | Posted: 6/29/03SHOing off in the parking lot
Leeezard.WMV871 hits | 560.32 KB | Posted: 6/29/03Lizard King in a 2002 GT Showing off.
shonut.WMV939 hits | 506.13 KB | Posted: 6/29/03SHOnut's car on the dyno.
v8shoDYNO.WMV1035 hits | 2.26 MB | Posted: 6/29/03My SHO on the Dyno.
ians_SHO1.JPG931 hits | 42.15 KB | Posted: 6/29/03