Comparison1.jpg478 hits | 42.41 KB | Posted: 12/25/07Stock on the right
Comparison 3.jpg509 hits | 40.83 KB | Posted: 12/25/07
Stock Turbo and DP.jpg440 hits | 52.91 KB | Posted: 12/25/07Stock turbo and down pipe/exhaust
Dyno map.jpg523 hits | 47.49 KB | Posted: 12/25/07Current map i am running compared to a stock sti turbo (VF39)
18g -Porting.jpg506 hits | 66.93 KB | Posted: 1/15/08Taken apart for porting
18g -porting2.JPG539 hits | 97.58 KB | Posted: 1/15/08Porting-2
Original waste gate.JPG511 hits | 70.26 KB | Posted: 1/15/08original wastegate (18g)
IMG_0629.JPG530 hits | 93.12 KB | Posted: 1/15/08
IMG_0631.JPG432 hits | 87.35 KB | Posted: 1/15/08
APS Cat.JPG458 hits | 80.24 KB | Posted: 1/15/08
Engine Front.JPG496 hits | 96.51 KB | Posted: 4/2/08
Left engine.JPG549 hits | 94.76 KB | Posted: 4/2/08