1991 Chevrolet S10
Owner: ChevysRUs         (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: SURREY, Canada        (Other registries outside the U.S)
Year, Make, & Model: 1991 Chevrolet S10        (Other Chevrolet S10s)
Mileage: 296
Engine: hahah 4 bangger with a 5 speed
Drivetrain: unknown?? 3 4/2
Notes: i bought the truck at the beging of the summer( 07) from a guy in whiterock. when i went to see the truck for the first time the guy was in princeton. he left the papers in the truck with them signed ready to go he even left the keys uin the box of it . if i liked it i had to leave the mony in the door slot for mail .. not that smart of a guy eh?? I payed 900$ for this truck no rust nothign wrong just had a starter problem and no gas. the funny thing is, there was a full jarrty can of gas in the back of the truck.. WTF . ive owned the truck since then im only 16 and have put lots of money into it mostly tires and interior. i love this truck i would never sell it..
Last Updated: 10/4/2007
Hits: 2488
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder http://i18.piczo.com/view/2/3/k/8/1/1/u/z/j/z/k/h/0000010/1/0710/1/07
folder My Car Projects4002,905010/4/0710/4/07
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861 hits | 54.62 KB | Posted: 10/4/07

after with gauges and bucket seats and new carpet and head linner. as well as all flame retarted instulator on fire wall and doors as well as the floor.
631 hits | 64.25 KB | Posted: 10/4/07

after i bought it 3 weeks into cleaning and fixing up.
690 hits | 51.15 KB | Posted: 10/4/07

when i bought it.
723 hits | 7.76 KB | Posted: 10/4/07

when i bought it.
Most Viewed Files
861 hits | 54.62 KB | Posted: 10/4/07

after with gauges and bucket seats and new carpet and head linner. as well as all flame retarted instulator on fire wall and doors as well as the floor.
723 hits | 7.76 KB | Posted: 10/4/07

when i bought it.
690 hits | 51.15 KB | Posted: 10/4/07

when i bought it.
631 hits | 64.25 KB | Posted: 10/4/07

after i bought it 3 weeks into cleaning and fixing up.
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