DSC00031.JPG610 hits | 84.63 KB | Posted: 12/16/08Cold! Dec. 16, 2008.
SP_A0146.jpg656 hits | 48.01 KB | Posted: 7/9/08Too hot!
compact.jpg763 hits | 97.63 KB | Posted: 11/29/08Compact car?
ciglighter.wmv1066 hits | 5.2 MB | Posted: 12/30/07Cigarette lighter projectile
Picture 023.avi826 hits | 12.99 MB | Posted: 1/16/08Trunk Opening
StartUp.avi956 hits | 10.12 MB | Posted: 12/18/08Video of me starting the car in the morning.
0-100.wmv1644 hits | 3.19 MB | Posted: 12/31/080-60 run by flooring the gas from a stop
gasMileage2008.jpg688 hits | 78.52 KB | Posted: 1/21/092008 Fuel Mileage
Struts.jpg683 hits | 16.14 KB | Posted: 5/8/09Installed Monroe Quick Struts
IMG_2242.JPG632 hits | 45.64 KB | Posted: 6/14/09Straight sixes
777777.jpg509 hits | 40.67 KB | Posted: 5/23/10
parallel_park.jpg608 hits | 94.11 KB | Posted: 7/26/09Parallel parking
2009-08-20 19.50.17.jpg590 hits | 101.63 KB | Posted: 8/21/09OMGWTFBBQ?!1