3-20-10Group shot1.JPG 312 hits | 86.37 KB | Posted: 4/30/10 The group rigs shot . L-R Tim & Berni, Myself and Girlpower.
DSCN0244.JPG 328 hits | 136.79 KB | Posted: 4/30/10 The initial run with the 35's...
DSCN0246.JPG 300 hits | 120.78 KB | Posted: 4/30/10 Tim & Berni's.. TJ.
DSCN0243.JPG 378 hits | 136.87 KB | Posted: 4/30/10 Girlpower coming down a hill nicely.
DSCN0262.JPG 385 hits | 125.38 KB | Posted: 4/30/10 Tim and myself checking out his TJ flexin' out nicely.
DSCN0263.JPG 349 hits | 116.25 KB | Posted: 4/30/10 Girlpower parked on the hill.
DSCN0271.JPG 436 hits | 93.69 KB | Posted: 4/30/10 We drove as far as it safe, with no winches on the vehicles.. All in all it was a great day for whee...
DSCN0263.JPG 359 hits | 116.25 KB | Posted: 4/30/10 Girlpower on the hill