FSB Bronco Pics 017.jpg 1270 hits | 69.73 KB | Posted: 11/23/07 This kid actually thinks this will be his truck someday, "You're cute kid, but not that cute!"
FSB Bronco Pics 005.jpg 1020 hits | 59.53 KB | Posted: 11/23/07 Spare tire holder sprayed gloss back. All the chrome including grill, headlamp trim, wheel opening m...
FSB Bronco Pics 024.jpg 1365 hits | 65.02 KB | Posted: 11/23/07 Put a black & grey cloth racing seat in on the drivers side, I had to buy some 1/4" flat bar and cut...
FSB Bronco Pics 019.jpg 1432 hits | 72.76 KB | Posted: 11/23/07 Final thing to do this month ( Nov. 2007 ) is to tear off all the stick on door and fender mouldings...
2007 110.jpg 1393 hits | 80.38 KB | Posted: 12/12/07 2 1/2" Rough Country lift. Last picture before all the chrome goes away.
Super Swamper LTB tires 004.jpg 6361 hits | 67.46 KB | Posted: 12/27/07 Super Swamper 33x13.50x15 M&S. Big difference from my Bridgestone Dueler 32x11.50x15 A/T's.
Super Swamper LTB tires 006.jpg 1892 hits | 65.99 KB | Posted: 12/27/07 Taller even with no air in them & alot more tread...
Super Swamper LTB tires 016.jpg 1750 hits | 60.46 KB | Posted: 12/27/07 Can't beat the price. Out the door for $130.00 a piece.
Super Swamper tires installed 003.jpg 2736 hits | 56.4 KB | Posted: 12/27/07 New tires look great & fill the wells much better. Plus the 13.50's give it plenty of footprint eve...
Super Swamper tires installed 004.jpg 2932 hits | 55.29 KB | Posted: 12/27/07 Can't beat the look of a mud tire. Put in 8oz. of beads to balance them & removed all weights. Still...
Latest updated pics 005.jpg 1122 hits | 68.26 KB | Posted: 1/4/08 Lookin good without the chrome.Trucks finally starting to come together.
Latest updated pics 002.jpg 941 hits | 67.05 KB | Posted: 1/4/08 Still trying to decide " chrome rear bumper OR paint it black? "
Latest updated pics 003.jpg 1159 hits | 73.41 KB | Posted: 1/4/08 Front bumper & winch next on the list. After that it's time for LOCKERS & GEARS...
Latest updated pics 004.jpg 1214 hits | 71.8 KB | Posted: 1/4/08 Found a Warn 8274 winch with a matching Warn bumper on Craig'slist, **the site my wife hates with a ...
New June 08 Bronco pics 014.jpg 840 hits | 92.17 KB | Posted: 6/13/08 Topless for a couple months with 100 deg. weather & the kids voted "PUT THE TOP ON!".......but, "ta...
New June 08 Bronco pics 015.jpg 998 hits | 62.32 KB | Posted: 6/13/08 Without windows in the hardtop it's like having the top off without the blazing sun on your back pas...
New June 08 Bronco pics 013.jpg 853 hits | 81.86 KB | Posted: 6/13/08 Tossing around some great ideas on how to fabricate some vinyl side windows to keep in the rig in ca...
New June 08 Bronco pics 019.jpg 823 hits | 62 KB | Posted: 6/13/08 Takes about 5 minutes. to remove both windows & store in the garage.