DSCN3055.JPG 1240 hits | 85 KB | Posted: 5/21/09 Remove the P.T.O cover to retrieve the roll pin and freeze plugg from the case. I used a telescoping...
DSCN3047.JPG 1333 hits | 89.29 KB | Posted: 5/21/09 Remove the bolt housing the spring and ball , this is the gear selector placement. Now the shift rai...
DSCN3048.JPG 1612 hits | 95.88 KB | Posted: 5/21/09 Drive in freeze plugg and use the same hole to drive in the roll pin that holds the shift fork to th...
DSCN3054.JPG 1297 hits | 86.15 KB | Posted: 5/21/09 Get an item such as an allen wrench approx the same size as the punch and reach into the p.t.o. hole...
DSCN3050.JPG 2538 hits | 88.4 KB | Posted: 5/21/09 Grind the shift rail. You'll have to install the shift rail and roll pin a few times cuz you wanna t...
DSCN3051.JPG 1503 hits | 92.86 KB | Posted: 5/21/09 I pulled this back out after it was correct right after I measured it in the previous pick. As your ...
DSCN3044.JPG 2043 hits | 90.37 KB | Posted: 5/21/09 I made shift linkage from a 3/4 inch union pipe fitting and drilled it to install a keeper, then wel...
DSCN3045.JPG 2397 hits | 92.27 KB | Posted: 5/21/09 I tried to thin two identical shifters as much as possible, and added metal bushings and a longer bo...
DSCN3057.JPG 1471 hits | 97.33 KB | Posted: 5/21/09 The tranny is a C-6 from a '85 bronco, it has a shorter tailshaft and adapter plate. But it had an a...
DSCN3058.JPG 1560 hits | 100.36 KB | Posted: 5/21/09 Lastly I had to make a 3/16 thick spacer because the adapter doesn't seat all the way. I used the NP...