paint02.JPG768 hits | 77.02 KB | Posted: 7/1/08
paintprep03.jpg700 hits | 69.6 KB | Posted: 7/1/08
paintprep22.jpg672 hits | 68.57 KB | Posted: 7/1/08
paintprep08.jpg702 hits | 75 KB | Posted: 7/1/08
paint13.JPG703 hits | 62.44 KB | Posted: 7/1/08
paint10.JPG754 hits | 76.3 KB | Posted: 7/1/08
paint06.JPG704 hits | 79.34 KB | Posted: 7/1/08
paint08.JPG617 hits | 78.9 KB | Posted: 5/27/08painting the rig with KEM 400 from sherwin-williams
paint17.JPG827 hits | 107.13 KB | Posted: 5/27/08fresh paint. that paint really lays down good and is really easy to work with