0625081708_01.jpg390 hits | 57.2 KB | Posted: 6/25/08top of drum finished paint
0625081708a_01.jpg394 hits | 54.69 KB | Posted: 6/25/08finished brake drum
0625081456_01.jpg391 hits | 84.23 KB | Posted: 6/25/08painting
0625081457_01.jpg371 hits | 90.09 KB | Posted: 6/25/08painting
0625081300a_01.jpg368 hits | 47.62 KB | Posted: 6/25/08masking off getting ready to paint
0625081300_01.jpg418 hits | 46.75 KB | Posted: 6/25/08masking off drum getting ready to paint
post-2736-1240888892_thumb.jpg358 hits | 61.8 KB | Posted: 4/28/09cam bolt