House 064.jpg786 hits | 92.03 KB | Posted: 5/8/09
DSCF2264.JPG851 hits | 96.08 KB | Posted: 5/8/09Trimming for 32"s
DSCF2343.JPG817 hits | 68.92 KB | Posted: 5/8/09Making half doors
DSCF2346.JPG671 hits | 66.84 KB | Posted: 5/8/09
DSCF2347.JPG651 hits | 73.82 KB | Posted: 5/8/09
DSCF2358.JPG761 hits | 71.62 KB | Posted: 5/8/09
DSCF2379.JPG750 hits | 66.85 KB | Posted: 5/8/09
DSCF2380.JPG729 hits | 75.34 KB | Posted: 5/8/09
DSCF2392.JPG770 hits | 66.23 KB | Posted: 5/8/09Cutting out rockers, replacing w/ 3x5 tubing
DSCF2397.JPG706 hits | 62.7 KB | Posted: 5/8/09Making plates for uni-body using 1/8" plate
DSCF2402.JPG760 hits | 65.42 KB | Posted: 5/8/09
DSCF2403.JPG745 hits | 76.49 KB | Posted: 5/8/09Had to trim alot of the pass. floor out
DSCF2408.JPG736 hits | 69.87 KB | Posted: 5/8/09Full size dana 44 for the front