DSC06468.JPG650 hits | 56.33 KB | Posted: 7/29/08
DSC06463.JPG631 hits | 59.55 KB | Posted: 7/29/08
DSC06459.JPG647 hits | 61.16 KB | Posted: 7/29/08
DSC06454.JPG664 hits | 52.01 KB | Posted: 7/29/08
DSC06448.JPG640 hits | 46.75 KB | Posted: 7/29/08
DSC06447.JPG619 hits | 57.73 KB | Posted: 7/29/08
DSC06430.JPG662 hits | 61.19 KB | Posted: 7/29/08The day things began to change.
DSC03344.JPG633 hits | 68.73 KB | Posted: 7/29/08Ain't she purdy, hiyuck!
DSC03212.JPG652 hits | 95.33 KB | Posted: 7/29/08A little poser flex shot from when I was touring Central City, CO Fall 2006.
DSC03141.JPG641 hits | 70.29 KB | Posted: 7/29/08Back in the day when I was still in college.