DSCN1445.mpg716 hits | 5.23 MB | Posted: 11/30/06driveshaft + step + long wheel base = bent drive shaft
PS on RS.mpg569 hits | 9.06 MB | Posted: 11/30/06he moved over a bit and made it just fine even with a slightly bent DS
DSCN1444.mpg632 hits | 1.79 MB | Posted: 11/30/06Tanja pulled a "Nathan" and randomly drove over this boulder
DSCN1418.JPG536 hits | 95.38 KB | Posted: 11/30/06
DSCN1422.JPG483 hits | 105.1 KB | Posted: 11/30/06Tanja spotting herself
DSCN1425.JPG555 hits | 116.3 KB | Posted: 11/30/06
DSCN1426.JPG514 hits | 121.33 KB | Posted: 11/30/06
DSCN1428.JPG523 hits | 100.81 KB | Posted: 11/30/06
DSCN1429.JPG500 hits | 106.32 KB | Posted: 11/30/06
DSCN1430.JPG577 hits | 107.2 KB | Posted: 11/30/06
DSCN1433.JPG577 hits | 99.05 KB | Posted: 11/30/06
DSCN1437.JPG595 hits | 95.05 KB | Posted: 11/30/06
DSCN1438.JPG536 hits | 102.62 KB | Posted: 11/30/06
DSCN1440.JPG516 hits | 114.17 KB | Posted: 11/30/06
DSCN1441.JPG543 hits | 111.21 KB | Posted: 11/30/06