DSC04160.JPG4097 hits | 73.67 KB | Posted: 12/29/0810'' JL Audio W1v2 4ohm subwoofer and JL Audio speaker grill
DSC04161.JPG883 hits | 72.41 KB | Posted: 12/29/08sub with grill cover on
DSC04168.JPG797 hits | 85.1 KB | Posted: 12/29/08wiring
DSC04164.JPG730 hits | 62.13 KB | Posted: 12/29/08Cobalt amp
DSC04166.JPG697 hits | 71.19 KB | Posted: 12/29/08amp with blackberry to show size
DSC04167.JPG690 hits | 70.31 KB | Posted: 12/29/08notice the size
DSC04151.JPG740 hits | 49.39 KB | Posted: 12/29/08planning and measuring
DSC04152.JPG713 hits | 85.55 KB | Posted: 12/29/08nice sawhorses
DSC04153.JPG774 hits | 80.4 KB | Posted: 12/29/08first idea that we decided to throw out
DSC04159.JPG1011 hits | 71.6 KB | Posted: 12/29/08tray/bottom of box
DSC04155.JPG848 hits | 74.93 KB | Posted: 12/29/08sides of box
DSC04156.JPG816 hits | 55.55 KB | Posted: 12/29/08sides and tray
DSC04157.JPG832 hits | 58.67 KB | Posted: 12/29/08tray/sides/back
DSC04158.JPG2035 hits | 70.63 KB | Posted: 12/29/08new location for the amp
DSC04169.JPG823 hits | 78.45 KB | Posted: 12/30/08tracing to a template
DSC04172.JPG808 hits | 59.16 KB | Posted: 12/30/08truck i installed a stereo in
DSC04174.JPG772 hits | 64.92 KB | Posted: 12/30/08hole for subwoofer
DSC04175.JPG825 hits | 64.12 KB | Posted: 12/30/08idea of what the box will look like
DSC04177.JPG708 hits | 69.01 KB | Posted: 12/30/08front pannel will be recessed 1.5'' to allow for the sub to clear
DSC04178.JPG892 hits | 73.21 KB | Posted: 12/30/08quick disconnect
DSC04179.JPG766 hits | 65.06 KB | Posted: 12/31/08original front piece of box that ended up getting scrapped today
DSC04181.JPG762 hits | 63.89 KB | Posted: 12/31/08cutting out the hole for the quick disconnect
DSC04187.JPG738 hits | 55.37 KB | Posted: 12/31/08hole cut
DSC04191.JPG708 hits | 58.25 KB | Posted: 12/31/08mock-up before i cut the tray piece
DSC04192.JPG735 hits | 63.16 KB | Posted: 12/31/08after the tray was cut
DSC04194.JPG685 hits | 60.83 KB | Posted: 12/31/08first 2 pieces together
DSC04197.JPG785 hits | 66.72 KB | Posted: 12/31/08sides and back together
DSC04201.JPG830 hits | 62.17 KB | Posted: 12/31/08front
DSC04199.JPG809 hits | 64.68 KB | Posted: 12/31/08mock up
DSC04204.JPG783 hits | 56.6 KB | Posted: 12/31/08top piece (still have to sand down)
DSC04206.JPG711 hits | 53.67 KB | Posted: 12/31/08sealing the box
DSC04208.JPG725 hits | 66.84 KB | Posted: 12/31/08sealing the outside too
DSC04209.JPG780 hits | 59.82 KB | Posted: 12/31/08sealing
DSC04212.JPG777 hits | 69.42 KB | Posted: 12/31/08quick disconnect installed
DSC04214.JPG780 hits | 73.18 KB | Posted: 12/31/08mock up of everthing
DSC04215.JPG796 hits | 60.73 KB | Posted: 12/31/08mock-up
DSC04217.JPG840 hits | 75.53 KB | Posted: 12/31/08more mock-up
DSC04218.JPG1120 hits | 64.69 KB | Posted: 12/31/08mocked up in the car
DSC04224.JPG3861 hits | 76.9 KB | Posted: 12/31/08from the inside of the cabin
DSC04258.JPG1178 hits | 61.62 KB | Posted: 1/1/09sanded down the top and started sealing the screw holes
DSC04259.JPG922 hits | 54.88 KB | Posted: 1/1/09sanded the back piece flush and sealed
DSC04260.JPG796 hits | 47.36 KB | Posted: 1/1/09tray piece installed and finished sealing the inside
DSC04263.JPG784 hits | 67.29 KB | Posted: 1/1/09taped off the bottom, ready for final sanding and a quick couple of coats of spray paint
DSC04264.JPG882 hits | 67.04 KB | Posted: 1/1/09before final sanding
DSC04265.JPG900 hits | 95.05 KB | Posted: 1/1/09final sanding
DSC04267.JPG1000 hits | 81.62 KB | Posted: 1/1/09first coat of paint
DSC04269.JPG901 hits | 81.8 KB | Posted: 1/1/09paint
DSC04270.JPG922 hits | 59.1 KB | Posted: 1/3/09
DSC04274.JPG1654 hits | 64.23 KB | Posted: 1/3/09bad picture of where i installed the remote bass knob
DSC04278.JPG1553 hits | 86.81 KB | Posted: 1/3/09installed and wired, not completely done
DSC04726.JPG1125 hits | 55.9 KB | Posted: 3/14/09
DSC04732.JPG827 hits | 71.5 KB | Posted: 3/14/09L bracket used to secure enclosure
DSC04735.JPG914 hits | 53.15 KB | Posted: 3/14/09wiring, amp, and bracket
DSC04736.JPG873 hits | 57.06 KB | Posted: 3/14/09hi-to-lo converter
DSC04737.JPG900 hits | 59.18 KB | Posted: 3/14/09
DSC04738.JPG847 hits | 58.23 KB | Posted: 3/14/09
DSC04744.JPG947 hits | 40.16 KB | Posted: 3/14/09
DSC04751.JPG831 hits | 59.38 KB | Posted: 3/14/09remote bass knob
DSC04753.JPG794 hits | 48.08 KB | Posted: 3/14/09
DSC04814.jpg815 hits | 35.33 KB | Posted: 3/17/09picked up my fabric and materials to cover the box
DSC04816.jpg868 hits | 43.82 KB | Posted: 3/17/09during (don't mind the old t-shirt. it was just to prevent overspray from getting on the sub)
DSC04818.jpg827 hits | 41.63 KB | Posted: 3/17/09starting to cover it
DSC04819.jpg942 hits | 37.05 KB | Posted: 3/17/09after
DSC04825.jpg861 hits | 30.24 KB | Posted: 3/17/09after
Picture 1.jpg870 hits | 26.47 KB | Posted: 4/13/09Sketchup
Picture 2.jpg877 hits | 39.81 KB | Posted: 4/13/09Sketchup
Picture 3.jpg833 hits | 29.32 KB | Posted: 4/13/09Sketchup
Picture 4.jpg842 hits | 41.1 KB | Posted: 4/13/09Sketchup
Picture 5.jpg756 hits | 24.28 KB | Posted: 4/13/09Sketchup
DSC04934.jpg783 hits | 36.55 KB | Posted: 6/13/09Weatherstripping
DSC04935.jpg783 hits | 35.9 KB | Posted: 6/13/09Weatherstripping
DSC04939.jpg799 hits | 24.01 KB | Posted: 6/13/09poly-fil
DSC04940.jpg775 hits | 41.6 KB | Posted: 6/13/09start of the foam
DSC04941.jpg743 hits | 37.97 KB | Posted: 6/13/09test fit
DSC04944.jpg702 hits | 30.2 KB | Posted: 6/13/09foam laid down/start of vinyl
DSC04945.jpg798 hits | 34.24 KB | Posted: 6/13/09subwoofer back in place
DSC04947.jpg759 hits | 36.09 KB | Posted: 6/13/09closer...
DSC04948.jpg834 hits | 37.5 KB | Posted: 6/13/09closer...
DSC04950.jpg1532 hits | 40.8 KB | Posted: 6/13/09done!
DSC04951.jpg1186 hits | 31.48 KB | Posted: 6/13/09done!