IMG00125-20100604-1842.jpg 537 hits | 60.81 KB | Posted: 6/6/10 This was for 86 F250 but still applies to bronco.
Notice all the white tarnish build up. It was ...
IMG00127-20100604-1844.jpg 523 hits | 47.71 KB | Posted: 6/6/10 This is how I found the valve, stuck down.
IMG00130-20100604-2017.jpg 629 hits | 37.7 KB | Posted: 6/6/10 Cleaned up with some new o-rings. Now it slides up and down the needle shaft without any problems.
IMG00132-20100604-2041.jpg 486 hits | 54.07 KB | Posted: 6/6/10 This is how they should look while sitting ijn the bores. On mine the one on the right was stuck a...
IMG00134-20100604-2207.jpg 509 hits | 28.86 KB | Posted: 6/6/10 The top o-rings wher enot to bad but the seat o-rings where shot. They were the same on both sides.