20141014_091434.jpg 199 hits | 46.54 KB | Posted: 10/15/14 Necessary parts and materials. This is only mock up/template stage. The final assembly will be on .1...
20141014_112912.jpg 185 hits | 39.38 KB | Posted: 10/15/14 Basic layout I have in mind.
20141014_145409.jpg 195 hits | 41.74 KB | Posted: 10/15/14 Final layout; nothing changed. 30 micron filter manager handing off to Summit fuel pump going into a...
20141017_161332.jpg 175 hits | 43.53 KB | Posted: 10/20/14 Not a whole lot done in a day.... This, now, C-Channel plate steel will sit bolted inside the frame-...
20141017_161324.jpg 178 hits | 66.97 KB | Posted: 10/20/14 Keener eyed observers may notice that my welds are butt fugly. There is a good reason for this: I ca...
20141023_165414.jpg 194 hits | 36.92 KB | Posted: 10/23/14 Placement. Leaning slightly forward as it isn't permanently mounted yet so the bottoms will sit a li...
20141023_165438.jpg 211 hits | 36.95 KB | Posted: 10/23/14 Angle slightly farther back. That red wire at the back of the torsion bar crossmember is the current...
20141023_165511.jpg 187 hits | 73.54 KB | Posted: 10/23/14 View from the rear end. Still looks rather clean; I'm satisfied so far with this.
20141023_165527.jpg 215 hits | 75.78 KB | Posted: 10/23/14 So much for a nice flat belly. Looks like just the drain plugs will protrude below the bottom of the...
20141025_123111.jpg 207 hits | 64.37 KB | Posted: 10/25/14 The actual final finished assembly.
20141025_143427.jpg 200 hits | 77.39 KB | Posted: 10/25/14 Fuel line between the intermediate line after the fuel sender and factory lift pump.
20141025_142735.jpg 186 hits | 41.69 KB | Posted: 10/25/14 Damn you General Motors. Wasn't anticipating this...completely screwed up my Saturday. Buddy at work...
20141028_183940.jpg 213 hits | 46.09 KB | Posted: 10/28/14 Cut and flared stock fuel line. We did not have the fittings; buddy misunderstood about what end I n...
20141028_185255.jpg 236 hits | 34.19 KB | Posted: 10/28/14 Line in place. Heh, hehe, it's going to leak....
20141029_115036.jpg 254 hits | 57.83 KB | Posted: 10/29/14 Fittings are here! On the left we have a 16x1.5 Saginaw style fitting to -6AN fitting. On the right ...
20141105_133405.jpg 285 hits | 55.88 KB | Posted: 11/5/14 This monstrosity of a regulator setup. So far this is what I have. I'll make a stop a Lowes to see i...
20141106_091452.jpg 316 hits | 51.47 KB | Posted: 11/6/14 This is much better. Still ugly but nowhere near the monster of the previous setup. I can deal with ...
20141107_161420.jpg 327 hits | 39.42 KB | Posted: 11/7/14 Regulator assembly mounted. Simple bracket made out of 16 gauge steel (I think.) Seems fairly sturdy...
20141107_161449.jpg 337 hits | 81.75 KB | Posted: 11/7/14 Engine shot with the regulator and minus the factory filter manager. Not quite done at this point. S...