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20141108_182147.jpg444 hits | 91.2 KB | Posted: 11/10/14
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SUNP0005.jpg964 hits | 84.33 KB | Posted: 8/23/10
PB120079.JPG980 hits | 100.14 KB | Posted: 3/9/10
EastStand6-14-009.JPG1130 hits | 98.45 KB | Posted: 6/23/09buck
EastStand6-14-020.JPG1114 hits | 102.36 KB | Posted: 6/23/09Mama and the twins
west stand 6-28-03.JPG1108 hits | 29.23 KB | Posted: 6/30/09
EastStand6-14-013.JPG990 hits | 85.79 KB | Posted: 6/23/09fork buck