DSCN1011.JPG748 hits | 126.02 KB | Posted: 7/27/09San Dimas car show 2009
DSCN1012.JPG594 hits | 98.05 KB | Posted: 7/27/095.0 with A/C
DSCN1000.JPG584 hits | 74.58 KB | Posted: 7/27/09sealed cover
DSCN0715.JPG700 hits | 92.33 KB | Posted: 7/27/09nice interior with radio delete plate
DSCN1009.JPG633 hits | 81.13 KB | Posted: 7/27/09Cubby hole with spare tire
DSCN1005.JPG682 hits | 108.48 KB | Posted: 7/27/09Back panel and Cubby hole
DSCN1018.JPG657 hits | 83.64 KB | Posted: 7/27/09Package tray behind the seat was cut and contured.
DSCN1008.JPG588 hits | 66.8 KB | Posted: 7/27/09more back panel, cubby hole and cut package tray.
DSCN1010.JPG677 hits | 87.75 KB | Posted: 7/27/09Interior from the passenger side.
images.jpeg289 hits | 8.06 KB | Posted: 6/2/13
images.jpeg297 hits | 8.06 KB | Posted: 6/2/13