0726082102a.jpg573 hits | 58.15 KB | Posted: 9/15/09Motor rebuild 1
0621081353.jpg546 hits | 46.64 KB | Posted: 9/15/09Motor rebuild 2
0809081417.jpg474 hits | 52.66 KB | Posted: 9/15/09Motor rebuild 3
0809081803.jpg518 hits | 65.56 KB | Posted: 9/15/09Gotta have this picture when the motor is out
0809081934.jpg461 hits | 67.23 KB | Posted: 9/15/09Finally in the car!
PDR_0853.JPG469 hits | 58.34 KB | Posted: 9/15/09In surgury (notice the Ford tool in forgroud---torches!)
PDR_0821.JPG560 hits | 61.73 KB | Posted: 9/15/09My favorite rear end
PDR_0828.JPG541 hits | 59.78 KB | Posted: 9/15/09Still sparklin' as the sun goes down
PDR_0822.JPG526 hits | 59.29 KB | Posted: 9/15/09White rims are sure hard to keep clean!
PDR_0866.JPG566 hits | 84.32 KB | Posted: 9/15/09My 89 and 91 together