DSCN2159.JPG349 hits | 82.83 KB | Posted: 9/25/09Back side, clean and weighted.
back side.JPG358 hits | 53.66 KB | Posted: 9/25/09Backside, clean (no brake dust or road junk) and weighted.
front side.JPG348 hits | 53.81 KB | Posted: 9/25/09Front side, mint!
ford logo.JPG482 hits | 38.26 KB | Posted: 9/25/09Ford logo, real - not copies!
tread.JPG327 hits | 44.02 KB | Posted: 9/25/09Tread depth.
photo.jpg321 hits | 38.37 KB | Posted: 2/21/10
20141004_124828.jpg163 hits | 47.87 KB | Posted: 10/5/1488120
20141004_124958.jpg151 hits | 43.94 KB | Posted: 10/5/1488120