IMG_1367.JPG 709 hits | 72.79 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 after installing the ps pump and ac compressor and finishing putting everything back together, i drained the oil because coolant and other stuff went down into the sump. put in some 50/50 coolant mix and fired it up. let it warm up and set the timi...
IMG_1366.JPG 809 hits | 80.14 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 water pump installed and torqued down
IMG_1365.JPG 684 hits | 79.84 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 while installing balancer, i had to work the outer lip of the seal so it would not roll. decided to paint the timing indicator and the 12* mark on the balancer
IMG_1364.JPG 812 hits | 80.54 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 cover back on and new sending unit installed
IMG_1363.JPG 729 hits | 73.21 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 new seal installed
IMG_1362.JPG 717 hits | 54.78 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 had to knock the locating pins out a little, they were flush with the cover.
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IMG_1346.JPG 887 hits | 86.2 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 now it's time to replace the timing chain
IMG_1348.JPG 849 hits | 86.86 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 now for the bottom four pan bolts. also removed oil pressure sender unit and extension.
IMG_1354.jpg 847 hits | 52.71 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 new cloye double roller timing set. i left the fuel pump eccentric off since i have electric fuel pumps
IMG_1364.JPG 812 hits | 80.54 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 cover back on and new sending unit installed
IMG_1366.JPG 809 hits | 80.14 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 water pump installed and torqued down
IMG_1356.JPG 808 hits | 49.54 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 while front cover is soaking i started work on the balancer
IMG_1351.JPG 788 hits | 90.63 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 time for cleaning
IMG_1359.JPG 775 hits | 64.35 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 installing sleeve after putting loctite on. nice flat piece of uhmw and dead blow put sleeve on nice and easy.
IMG_1347.JPG 738 hits | 81.31 KB | Posted: 1/7/10 loosened wp bolts, removed one at a time and poked thru cardboard in the position they go.