463 hits | 108.05 KB | Posted: 11/12/09

Here are the tools you will need.
12MM long socket or a shorty with a small extension
Plyers to ta...
1197 hits | 107.22 KB | Posted: 11/12/09

Here we can see what we are dealing with. I removed the air intake hoses already and I have been soa...
864 hits | 96.94 KB | Posted: 11/12/09

The upper radiator hose was simply removed from the housing and shoved to the side. I found it easie...
591 hits | 91.38 KB | Posted: 11/12/09

I was able to take the bolts out using the 12MM and nothing snapped. (yah me!!!)
This is what we ar...
583 hits | 100.43 KB | Posted: 11/12/09

And this is the nasty engine side.
492 hits | 92.58 KB | Posted: 11/12/09

This is after scraping off the nasty gasket and hitting it with sandpaper to clean it up.
Once I fi...
534 hits | 94.12 KB | Posted: 11/12/09

I also hit the engine side with sandpaper and wiped it out the best that I could.
Once wiped out, I...
1501 hits | 102.79 KB | Posted: 11/12/09

When putting the new thermostat back in the housing, make sure you put the correct side in.
If it i...
467 hits | 96.7 KB | Posted: 11/12/09

First, I put silicone on the housing itself. Make sure you get around the bolt holes.
457 hits | 119.68 KB | Posted: 11/12/09

Then put on the gasket and (not pictured) more silicone.
428 hits | 85.59 KB | Posted: 11/12/09

and finally, put the housing back on the engine.
I had already sprayed the bolts with WD-40 at this...

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