1993 Ford Crown Victoria
Owner: Green93 
From: Gothenburg, Sweden        (Other registries outside the U.S)
Year, Make, & Model: 1993 Ford Crown Victoria        (Other Ford Crown Victorias)
Nickname: Just called "The Ford"
Mileage: 171000
Engine: Stock
Drivetrain: Stock
Notes: Just bought this car off an online auction for close to nothing. The condition is way above average for a car 17 years old. Actually it runs, drives and looks more like a 5 year old car! The only thing that doesn´t work is the drivers door lock (An easy fix i hope). These cars are more scarce than hens teeth here in Sweden, and it´s really an eye catcher because of it´s good apperance. I took my 70 year old father (Who is a real sceptic to this kind of dinosaur cars). His comment was that he didn´t at all feel sorry for the US cops, having to ride in these cars on an every day basis.....The comfort is just way above any "modern" car! Gas milage isn´t too bad either, it averages arround 22 mpg. You got to remember the gas is about $5.00/gallon over here.......Don´t complain....he, he..
Last Updated: 1/28/2010
Hits: 1755
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