backleftbarsmall2.jpg 544 hits | 20.3 KB | Posted: 6/30/03 This thing was right next to the back tire. I don't know what it is.
backleftbarthingsmall.jpg 384 hits | 17.04 KB | Posted: 6/30/03 This was also in the back. Don't know what it is, either.
leftfrontsmall.jpg 356 hits | 31.41 KB | Posted: 6/30/03 This is on the front right tire (looking from the driver seat)
It looks like it needs to be repla...
rightfrontsmall2.jpg 395 hits | 19.36 KB | Posted: 6/30/03 This is really bad. And it really needs to be replaced as well. To bad I don't what it is, either ;)
rightfrontsmall.jpg 406 hits | 24.41 KB | Posted: 6/30/03 What the heck is it? It looks like it got shot.