DSC01769.JPG736 hits | 78.84 KB | Posted: 3/7/10
DSC02337.JPG740 hits | 70.7 KB | Posted: 3/7/10nice
DSC02318.JPG892 hits | 47.39 KB | Posted: 3/7/10in the snow
DSC02092.JPG940 hits | 104.34 KB | Posted: 3/7/10yummy
DSC02088.JPG838 hits | 92.66 KB | Posted: 3/7/10stuck em both
DSC02089.JPG800 hits | 90.45 KB | Posted: 3/7/10burried up
DSC01764.JPG797 hits | 78.98 KB | Posted: 3/7/10from the back
DSC01762.JPG724 hits | 89.04 KB | Posted: 3/7/10we loved this truck but traded it when the tranny got weak
DSC01559.JPG847 hits | 71.21 KB | Posted: 3/7/10after the windows were tinted
DSC00772.JPG906 hits | 83.92 KB | Posted: 3/7/10took it muddin once on purpose and the distributer got wet.. yikes
DSC00326.JPG861 hits | 119.44 KB | Posted: 3/7/10put the brushguard from my old 01 z71 on it then sold the bg later