Previous owner installed a 302 V8.
Duffy floor shifter.
3.5" suspension lift.
31 x 10.50 tires.
Found the bronco on Craigslist advertised in central Idaho. It was the family run-around car for years and had been parked outside under the pine trees. Picked it up for $1200.00.
IMG_2939.JPG 548 hits | 85.59 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 The pile of parts that came with the '66. Maybe I can trade them for something I can use.
IMG_2938.JPG 527 hits | 56.51 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 Got some new seat covers to cover up the foam. Wish I could find some saddle blanket covers. I really want to put in some original seats.
IMG_2933.JPG 530 hits | 71.57 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 Little bit of surface rust on the floor panels, but they're pretty solid.
IMG_2931.JPG 489 hits | 79.11 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 The 302 V8 that the previous owner installed. Not a bad job at all. At least I think so.
IMG_2902.JPG 495 hits | 49.86 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 Thinking that soft top needs to go.
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61538_435925058829_665228829_4911359_133578_n.jpg 1133 hits | 68.07 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 As the rig currently sits. Hardtop is off a '72 Bronco. Mounting holes had to be re-drilled to match up with '66 windshield mounting holes. Yakima racks are 1A Towers which allow clearance of the Bronco curved hardtop without adding too much addition...
IMG_0082.JPG 819 hits | 87.85 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 Turning around to get back down the mountain
IMG_0083.JPG 677 hits | 112.35 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 Airing down my skinny tires so I can keep up with the big boys.
IMG_2898.JPG 597 hits | 80.81 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 The cab. Not bad at all.
'66 Left Rear Primer.jpg 590 hits | 81.47 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 The rear fenders were in fairly good shape. A couple areas where road salt had eaten through them, but nothing too serious for a daily driver.
IMG_0081.JPG 570 hits | 90.25 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 Central Idaho mountains February 2010
IMG_2935.JPG 560 hits | 47.29 KB | Posted: 9/23/10 Probably need to replace the fenders...