My Mana (1).JPG832 hits | 106.44 KB | Posted: 2/5/11Day of firsts.
My Mana (2).JPG885 hits | 112.7 KB | Posted: 2/5/11First day at the beach.
My Mana (3).JPG771 hits | 106.05 KB | Posted: 2/5/11At the marina.
My Mana.JPG769 hits | 107.81 KB | Posted: 2/5/11Had to take this fast. Cops everywhere.
Tail Bobbed (1).JPG742 hits | 63.53 KB | Posted: 2/5/11Side view of tail bobbed.
Tail Bobbed (2).JPG942 hits | 63.66 KB | Posted: 2/5/11Tail bobbed, plate down.
Tail Bobbed (3).JPG836 hits | 69.64 KB | Posted: 2/5/11Tail bobbed, plate up.
Tail Bobbed (4).JPG815 hits | 67.26 KB | Posted: 2/5/11Another angle.
Tail Bobbed.JPG1933 hits | 73.31 KB | Posted: 2/5/11At a distance.
FA1 (1).JPG1313 hits | 76.31 KB | Posted: 2/5/11Fighter jet motif.
FA1 (2).JPG1249 hits | 55.32 KB | Posted: 2/5/11Thought this was cute.
FA1 (3).JPG1283 hits | 55.12 KB | Posted: 2/5/11And this.
FA1 (4).JPG1200 hits | 68.54 KB | Posted: 2/5/11I think it works.
FA1 (5).JPG1221 hits | 59.17 KB | Posted: 2/5/11This cracks me up!
FA1 (6).JPG1195 hits | 69.81 KB | Posted: 2/5/11Pretty cool, I think.
FA1.JPG1388 hits | 74.38 KB | Posted: 2/5/11I always get admiring looks and people ask what is that?
Helmet and jumpsuit.JPG1056 hits | 41.66 KB | Posted: 2/7/11Going with the fighter jet motif is my helmet with callsign.
Helmet and jumpsuit (1).JPG1111 hits | 42.62 KB | Posted: 2/7/11It's a HJC IS-16 with retrcatable sun visor.
Helmet and jumpsuit (2).JPG947 hits | 31.04 KB | Posted: 2/7/11View most see, from the back.
Helmet and jumpsuit (3).JPG899 hits | 31.44 KB | Posted: 2/7/11Heres my Nomex Navy flight suit I wear over my nicer clothes to keep them clean.
Helmet and jumpsuit (5).JPG1418 hits | 76.03 KB | Posted: 2/7/11And my personalized naval aviator name badge with wings and callsign.
Air filter.JPG653 hits | 65.83 KB | Posted: 11/4/12
Frame with intake.JPG611 hits | 81.43 KB | Posted: 11/4/12
Intake tube.JPG627 hits | 68.58 KB | Posted: 11/4/12