IMAG0110.jpg1285 hits | 70.89 KB | Posted: 5/6/12
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IMG_0816.JPG1024 hits | 70.5 KB | Posted: 2/11/12
IMAG0105.jpg3016 hits | 91.57 KB | Posted: 11/21/10
IMAG0119.jpg2807 hits | 81.65 KB | Posted: 11/21/10
IMAG0112.jpg2574 hits | 97.46 KB | Posted: 11/21/10
IMAG0106.jpg2392 hits | 76.82 KB | Posted: 11/21/10
IMAG0149.jpg2299 hits | 81.44 KB | Posted: 12/4/10Painted black pearl to match body
IMAG0116.jpg2170 hits | 74.32 KB | Posted: 11/21/10
IMAG0114.jpg2060 hits | 87.88 KB | Posted: 11/21/10
IMAG0144.jpg2008 hits | 65.25 KB | Posted: 12/4/10primed and sanded
IMG_0618.JPG1977 hits | 53.34 KB | Posted: 1/20/11Back componant speakers are JL Audio 6 1/2 and 1" tweeter. Crosssover is mounted inside the box. Nice sound quality with good mid bass and clean high's.