DSC02031.jpg510 hits | 83.83 KB | Posted: 11/30/10It looks a little better without all the junk stacked in the box
DSC02032.jpg353 hits | 58.77 KB | Posted: 11/30/10
DSC02033.jpg402 hits | 66.79 KB | Posted: 11/30/10Could use a facelift
100_1916.jpg353 hits | 68.61 KB | Posted: 12/31/10A little pitting around important parts
100_1921.jpg430 hits | 75.27 KB | Posted: 12/31/10probably the worst part of the floor - driver's cab mount
100_1922.jpg492 hits | 55.75 KB | Posted: 12/31/10drivers rear door
100_1923.jpg754 hits | 55.6 KB | Posted: 12/31/10drivers B pillar
100_1927.jpg761 hits | 84.1 KB | Posted: 12/31/10de-luxe interior
100_1933.jpg744 hits | 37.24 KB | Posted: 12/31/10pass B pillar
100_1936.jpg788 hits | 52.71 KB | Posted: 12/31/10perfect roof
100_1937.jpg804 hits | 58.87 KB | Posted: 12/31/10look how nice that roof is
100_1944.jpg753 hits | 57.6 KB | Posted: 12/31/10pass door. a little worse than the drivers, especially with the dents on the outside
100_1915.jpg789 hits | 76.4 KB | Posted: 12/31/10another frame shot showing thin spots near hangers