2992 hits | 92.79 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

What a beauty! All those used tires in the bed WERE in the cab a few minutes ago. Yes, the back wi...
2200 hits | 109.87 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

It was abused & neglected, and driven on 1 tank for a while. When that one died, it was abandoned f...
2869 hits | 101.97 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

2 tires off the rims; 2 dead gas tanks; 2 bent bumpers; 2 missing window cranks; 2 undamaged pieces ...
2457 hits | 110.29 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

Both doors will be replaced, the RHF fender, both bumpers, and the valance between the grille & bump...
1984 hits | 76.32 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

The bumper is pretty rough, but I'm gonna straighten it.
2070 hits | 95.41 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

A squirrell wintered under the seat - he's been getting in & out through the dislodged shifter cable...
2055 hits | 89.21 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

It looks like birds were roosting on the dash & crapping on the column due to the broken rear window...
2019 hits | 71.76 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

Safety Certification label in driver's door jamb above door latch strike (VIN edited)

1891 hits | 73.84 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

Calibration label in driver's door jamb
2057 hits | 72.94 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

EEC calibration code sticker in driver's door jamb
Some trucks have this - others don't.

4222 hits | 85.86 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

VECI Label under hood above master cylinder

2181 hits | 92.67 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

4.9L FEAD belt routing sticker on core support
1813 hits | 78.38 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

Refrigerant label on core support
3027 hits | 81.11 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

Jacking Instructions sticker on core support

1731 hits | 89.46 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

Inertia Fuel Shutoff (IFS) switch sticker on core support
1790 hits | 93.73 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

The previous owner got as far as bending a tie-rod by hooking a tow chain there, connecting a fuel p...
2067 hits | 100.61 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

1749 hits | 97.95 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

The #4 plug wire is off to see that it's sparking.

1678 hits | 90.88 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

95A 3G alternator. Note the 4 holes between each pair of front ribs, and that it's attached using t...
1718 hits | 85.81 KB | Posted: 2/11/11

Craptasmic battery, STONE-dead. Terminals destroyed.

1910 hits | 104.52 KB | Posted: 2/13/11

The guy who had it before me used his 4WD tractor to drag it around his yard by the tie rod.

2167 hits | 91.17 KB | Posted: 2/13/11

I didn't realize it was bent badly enough to dig the adjuster bolt into the sidewall, blowing out th...
1748 hits | 96.93 KB | Posted: 2/13/11

What a...

1718 hits | 90.54 KB | Posted: 2/13/11

Amazing what you can do with a 12# sledge...

Coincidentally, that same sledge was necessary to remo...
3270 hits | 95.8 KB | Posted: 2/13/11

With some creativity (plus 2 fire extinguishers, 2 gallon jugs of water, and a hose nearby), I creat...
618 hits | 103.91 KB | Posted: 4/26/18

Temporary fuel system includes fire extinguishers, water jugs, & a garden hose.

1979 hits | 70.54 KB | Posted: 2/20/11

I added a low fuel light, just to see how it went in a non-tach cluster. It was a little easier sin...
5432 hits | 73.44 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

To lift the bed, loosen the clamps (8mm, 5/16") around the filler supports, then slide them out...
3150 hits | 87.85 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

To lift the bed, remove the filler caps & filler neck screws (5.5mm, 7/32"), then push the neck...
2977 hits | 81.9 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

To lift the bed, disconnect the taillight wiring forward of the rear bumper.

Go to the NEXT pic...
2810 hits | 84.84 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

To lift the bed, remove the nuts (18mm) for the bed bolts (8 on longbed; 6 on all others).

2529 hits | 83.27 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

These bed bolts are in much better condition than I expected, considering how rusty the hubs were.

4180 hits | 66.17 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

To lift the bed for fuel tank access, I used my electric hoist (an ATV winch & some scrap metal).

3714 hits | 71.75 KB | Posted: 2/21/11


Go to the NEXT pic...

2730 hits | 86.27 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

It'll be much easier to work on the tanks this way, rather than from below.

Go to the NEXT pic...
2469 hits | 82.94 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

I'll vacuum & wash the tanks before opening anything. The unusually large fuel line fitting at the ...
2669 hits | 81.59 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

I'll vacuum & wash the tanks before opening anything.

Go to the NEXT pic...
2782 hits | 103.85 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

Even though I put a safety strap under the suspended bed, I rolled the chassis out to work on the ta...
2885 hits | 95.37 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

After washing & vacuuming, and a little penetrating oil (NONE on the O-ring), the lock ring can come...
2645 hits | 91.7 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

Some force was necessary to break the FDM loose from the bottom of the tank. See the NEXT several p...
2911 hits | 100.39 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

I can't describe the smell...

For more info, read these captions:

3161 hits | 89.21 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

The back tank was just as bad as the front. 6 years is too long for gas to sit. I burned both tank...
2351 hits | 59.62 KB | Posted: 4/17/11

After a few weeks' searching, I found a rear tank. It's from a '93, but the only difference is the ...
5686 hits | 85.41 KB | Posted: 4/17/11

Since I got the pigtail with the '93 tank, and I saved the original '95 pump plate, it was easy to m...
14148 hits | 74.81 KB | Posted: 4/17/11

To temporarily (or indefinitely) run any '90-96 dual-tank truck on 1 tank, it's necessary to plug bo...
2289 hits | 44.47 KB | Posted: 4/19/11

Today, I found a decent front tank & pump - only a little dent near the front.
2405 hits | 93.33 KB | Posted: 4/19/11

The motor spins, and I rebuilt the sender, which now produces a smooth signal. After it's installed...
2231 hits | 88.59 KB | Posted: 4/19/11

It works!

For more info, read these captions:

2216 hits | 99.39 KB | Posted: 4/19/11

Now that there are 2 working tanks, I can drop the bed back on.

For more info, read these captions:...
2231 hits | 84.31 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

It's much cleaner than I expected.
2312 hits | 92.26 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

I think that rocker panel is the only damage to the cab.
2480 hits | 56.52 KB | Posted: 2/21/11

These rubber plugs are for the cab resonance weight. I haven't found any pattern to which trucks go...
2121 hits | 86.3 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

I've only had this for ~10 years - it's about time it got used on something.

The "E3..." ...
2042 hits | 82.94 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

That's where it belongs...

See the PREVious 2 pics.
3030 hits | 91.54 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

The first few blasts drained out nearly opaque brown - I think someone must have spilled a LOT of co...
2467 hits | 105.87 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

The seat cover, seatback, seat belts, & rear carpet got hosed out & sun-dried. The headrest covers ...
2229 hits | 84.2 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

The floor cover, floor-mounted belts, & rear carpet got hosed off, sun-dried, and treated with Lysol...
2020 hits | 76.07 KB | Posted: 4/9/11

I sanded & painted the shifter, and reinstalled the knob.
5874 hits | 96.21 KB | Posted: 4/9/11

The windshield side & lower trim were packed with leaves. While it was off, I removed the wiper val...
3378 hits | 67.77 KB | Posted: 4/14/11

It took a few hours with some BP hammers, prybars, & wood blocks, but it's pretty close to its origi...
1911 hits | 98.9 KB | Posted: 4/20/11

It almost looks like a truck again. The painter says he'll get to my doors, fender, & valance tomor...
2095 hits | 104.59 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

I've already straightened the reinforcing plate behind the headlight opening, but the core support i...
2075 hits | 97.6 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

I've only had a spare R fender for ~5 years, and it's almost the right color.

1813 hits | 87.64 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

It was probably the same squirrel who lived in the '93 Bronco who knew how to get in through the cow...
1829 hits | 82.57 KB | Posted: 3/29/11

This '93 Bronco door is MX (Dark Shadow Blue Metallic), which isn't quite as purple as this truck's ...
1898 hits | 53.41 KB | Posted: 4/14/11

Again: a big improvement.

1714 hits | 84.25 KB | Posted: 5/5/11

I picked up the painted parts yesterday, so I can finally remove the bad doors. Unfortunately, the ...
1658 hits | 95.96 KB | Posted: 5/5/11

About what you'd expect.

The gasket has been smashed by the misaligned door for so long that it doe...
1657 hits | 111.03 KB | Posted: 5/5/11

I'd have gotten this fender on much faster if I hadn't had to change the voltage regulator, pull the...
1493 hits | 79.44 KB | Posted: 5/5/11

As usual, I'm painting at night. But it seems to be working OK - the other vehicles still look dece...
1508 hits | 81.48 KB | Posted: 5/5/11

Pretty good for spray painting in the dark on dirt with no prep. Now I just need some pinstriping.
1641 hits | 104.48 KB | Posted: 5/7/11

I wasn't planning to wash it for a week after I finished painting, but since a storm blew through la...
1674 hits | 57.1 KB | Posted: 5/7/11

Under all the sap, mildew, & grime, it's not as bad as I thought.
1552 hits | 63.28 KB | Posted: 5/7/11

I still have to touch up the tailgate, bed corner, & a few other spots, and paint on the pinstripes....
1496 hits | 104.91 KB | Posted: 5/7/11

I still have to touch up the tailgate & a few other spots, and paint on the pinstripes. But the bum...
1578 hits | 97.41 KB | Posted: 5/7/11

You'd never guess what it looked like 3 months ago, so here's a reminder:

1876 hits | 46.26 KB | Posted: 4/17/11

I've never seen this before - it looks like someone went along the heater hose with a needle punchin...
3958 hits | 99.2 KB | Posted: 5/10/11

After a little driving, it became apparent that there was a serious oil leak dripping onto the rear ...
3431 hits | 109.19 KB | Posted: 5/10/11

This is after removing the throttle cover, the PCV & breather hose from their grommets, all the vacu...
2066 hits | 72.16 KB | Posted: 5/10/11

The main leak is the big GAP almost halfway down on the R side (LEFT in the pic) just this side of t...
2668 hits | 90.07 KB | Posted: 5/13/11

After a couple of long drives, I dumped & refilled the transmission, and cleaned the magnet. Fillin...
1669 hits | 88.59 KB | Posted: 5/13/11

It looks normal again, and I'm driving it whenever I can.

2401 hits | 88.11 KB | Posted: 5/13/11

I rebuilt the MFS today, so everything is working now.

1857 hits | 56.48 KB | Posted: 5/13/11

Clean enough to sit on, which is saying a lot, considering how bad it was.

1837 hits | 81.69 KB | Posted: 5/18/11

The dash clunked every time I hit a bump, so I tracked down & installed one of the few remaining rep...
1696 hits | 73.76 KB | Posted: 5/13/11

This corner looks even better after some paint.

1953 hits | 100.75 KB | Posted: 5/13/11

I found some black center caps in my junkpile which are correct, but rare. I'd rather put red ones ...
1989 hits | 70.87 KB | Posted: 5/27/11

I finally found another chrome rim for the RHR, and the bumper is a lot straighter than it used to b...
3085 hits | 65.37 KB | Posted: 5/27/11

I finally found another chrome rim for the RHR.
2201 hits | 86.98 KB | Posted: 6/3/11

The torn L engine mount is another part of the vibration during acceleration...

1935 hits | 87.79 KB | Posted: 6/3/11

The torn L engine mount is another part of the vibration during acceleration...

1832 hits | 78.13 KB | Posted: 6/3/11

The torn L engine mount is another part of the vibration during acceleration... I have the engine l...
1986 hits | 94.88 KB | Posted: 6/3/11

The torn R engine mount is YET another part of the vibration during acceleration...

3052 hits | 125.61 KB | Posted: 6/3/11

These were another part of the vibration during acceleration... It has been significantly reduced a...
2342 hits | 106.34 KB | Posted: 7/10/11

Frank bought it a month ago, and it's finally back for one more front fuel pump.

For more info, rea...
1170 hits | 53.42 KB | Posted: 3/9/16

This 2WD Mazda M5OD-R2 output shaft gave no sign of damage before letting go while driving at very l...
1391 hits | 71.55 KB | Posted: 4/24/18

At almost 180Kmi, the ADM has been screeching intermittently, and it stunk. It has apparently been ...
291 hits | 41.45 KB | Posted: 7/4/21

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