IMG_0317.JPG 199 hits | 87.11 KB | Posted: 12/11/12 Before (Already had new Accel Dizzy cap & Rotor)
IMG_0326.JPG 202 hits | 72.19 KB | Posted: 12/11/12 MSD Street Fire Coil
IMG_0327.JPG 209 hits | 79.84 KB | Posted: 12/11/12 Ford Racing 9mm Spark plug wires
562241_10151759799400507_1583533400_n.jpg 176 hits | 81.25 KB | Posted: 12/11/12 Painted all the tan with black bedliner type paint from Home Depot. Took hours to sand and prime everything but I think it turned out pretty good.
IMG_0408.jpg 587 hits | 40.38 KB | Posted: 4/27/11 Threw in my tool box and HF Farm Jack. Made some mounts out of angle that allow me to lock it down on both sides.
IMG_0402.jpg 429 hits | 48.04 KB | Posted: 4/27/11 Also added some cheap wal-mart seat covers cuz the PO thought it would be cool to put blue seats in it.