1994 Ford Probe
Owner: pinkpanther 
From: Raleigh, NC, U.S.A.        (Other registries in NC)
Year, Make, & Model: 1994 Ford Probe        (Other Ford Probes)
Clubs: ProbeTalk.com        (Other vehicles in this club)
Nickname: Pink Panther
Mileage: 83500
Engine: V6
Notes: Bought it when it was 2 years old. A young man owned it and he had to sell because he and his wife just had a baby and they needed a 4 door car. He was obsessed with the car. He wouldn't let it out of eyesight when it was in to be repaired so he knew everything that was done with it.

I didn't think I wanted a pink car but it grew on me and now I love it. It only had 8,800 miles when I bought it.

I owned two cars so that neither car would get a lot of miles racked up on them. That's why the mileage is so low for it now. My Subaru has a head gasket problem, so now I'm going to be driving it fulltime, if it doesn't develop any majoy repairs.
Last Updated: 12/24/2011
Hits: 4838
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folder Pink Panther50010,050012/24/1112/24/11
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