1988 Ford F-150
Owner: DANBED2002 
From: Mont Clare, PA, U.S.A.        (Other registries in PA)
Year, Make, & Model: 1988 Ford F-150        (Other Ford F-150s)
Nickname: DANBED2002
Mileage: 155487
Engine: 1988 Ford F150 pick-up (4.9L 300 CID) with a full 8' body.

Along with repairs to the floor pan and rocker panel on the driverside including the retainer for the door wearther molding at the rocker panel. That whole section had t be refabricated from the high beam switch on the floor all the way to the corner end of the cab. In other words from one end to the other on the driver side.
Drivetrain: factory rear end it has a solid ballanced driveshaft and a 5 SPEED manual transmission.
Notes: Well here is the history of this truck as it was relayed to me. A friend had gotten the truck when he was 16. Then in 2007 he gave the truck to my exgirlfriend who so happend to be his girlfriend at the time. She drove it for about 6 months and then she noticed that it was starting to have problems with overheating and just never asked anyone about it. The truck sat parked at is house in Wilmingtion DE for about 2 years and then she went to go and start it but had to use a full can of starting fluid, couldn't get it to stay running. So my exgirlfriend left it setting under a pine tree for about another year. She was then given a 2000 Ford Ranger by her grand father and no-longer bothered with this Ford F150. Until one day when she had her boyfriend look at it and tried to start it and he took a compression tester to test teh head to see if it was cracked or if it needed a head gasket. He then told her that he toght that it might have bad oil rings anf that was what was causing the problem. So she investigatd to see how much it would cost to repair that problem.She found out that it was way too expensive for her and she told him that she wanted to get rid of it. So about another 6 montha go by and he tells her " hey you know what Daniel is a machanic he knows how to fis it so why don't you see if he would buy it from you!" So I did in September of 2011. Little to my knowledge it actually needed both a new cylinder head gasket and a new cylinder head. The way I found that out was by me wanting to check the level of oil on the dipstick. Thats when i saw a light brownish thick substance on the dipstick. So what do I do? I checled the ANTI-FREEZE at the radiator cap. So as i take teh radiator cap off anf look inside the radiator i noticed that there was the same light brownish substance on the inside of the radiator too. As a machanic that told me right then and there that i needed a new head gasket. I now that because oil and ANTI-FREEZE should NEVER be mixed like that or EVER!!!!!!!!! So I bought the cylinder head gasket kit from my local auto part store. Then about4 months later i started tearing the top of the engine apart to replace the head gasket. Thats when I found out that it also needed a new cylinder head too.
Last Updated: 1/26/2012
Hits: 3762
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