1979 Ford Bronco
Owner: WyoBroncoMan 
From: lewiston, ID, U.S.A.        (Other registries in ID)
Year, Make, & Model: 1979 Ford Bronco        (Other Ford Broncos)
Nickname: Not decided yet
Mileage: 86000
Engine: 351m?
Drivetrain: original; 350 gears
Notes: bought at a car lot in 1996 in Lovell Wyo for $600, engine was froze up. Broke her loose and ran her up and down the irragation canal for that summer (my job). Engine was pretty shacky but never failed me. I parked it for a nuber of years and now it really needs some serious help.
Last Updated: 4/21/2012
Hits: 1854
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder '79 orange custom bronco5001,58104/21/124/21/12
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