1977 Ford Thunderbird
Owner: CraigH 
From: Derbyshire, United Kingdom        (Other registries outside the U.S)
Year, Make, & Model: 1977 Ford Thunderbird        (Other Ford Thunderbirds)
Engine: Standard 400 inch engine
Drivetrain: Standard FMX transmission and 9 inch rear end
Notes: I have now owned this car for something like 25 years but for about 19 of them she was parked up in a garage and barely seen never mind touched.

A couple of years ago the time and money became available to resurrect her and she is now being used and running reasonably well. Although parts can be sourced quite easily from the USA the cost of importing them can make them extremely expensive leading to locally sourced substitutions being used if possible.

Plans are ongoing for upgrades and to this end a set of Aussie heads, Edelbrock performer inlet manifold, Holley 600cfm carb and what appear to be a set of Sanderson headers have been sourced and are hopefully going to be fitted over the winter.

Further plans include an upgrade to the front rotors and calipers and possibly an overdrive transmission. I have also got an idea in my head regarding upgrading to fuel injection and computer controlled ignition, probably MegaSquirt though this may be a way in the future just yet.

One of the biggest issues I have apart from parts is information as not to many people over here have any knowledge of these cars and engines so I am continually searching for help and advice on the internet.
Last Updated: 7/4/2012
Hits: 2215
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